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O Nicolas Perony: Puppies! Now that I've got your attention, complexity theory. Czas trwania pokazu w sekundach/minutach: 13m 46s. Liczba odsłon zanotowanych 88506 na dziś.. Pomóż nam rozwijać naszserwis, może to was zaciekawi zobaczcie zobacz jeśli masz wolny czas, oraz komentarze niżej czytaj. Jak oceniacie - zerknijcie też - bo otrzymał 1092 w skali 1-5.


Nicolas Perony: Puppies! Now that I've got your attention, complexity theory -
- not meant rude but i hear sounds trough your video's TED almost like a fax something like that
- That is indeed a very complex butt colony
- Another Very Interesting Video
- Simplifying complexity on dogs example! Really cognitive! 
- Tremendously helpful for my research in systems thinking. Thank you. 
- So is this like keeping order and harmony?
- Puppies I wanted to to see puppies lol
- Complexity Theory.  We need to understand it.
- Great job of showing complexity is complexity - independent of any one discipline.
- "How dare you say females are social! I don't care about observational data, you chauvinist pig!"
- Ted Talk: PUPPIES!

Nicholas Perony - Quantitative Scientist at the Chair of Systems Design at ETH Zurich, where he studies the structure and dynamics of animal societies.

Perony conducts his research by placing GPS collars on animals like Bechstein's bats and meerkats, and studying the spacial data of the group. He creates models of the movement over time to see patterns. He then tries to ascertain at the simple rules that individuals in the animal group seem to be following that, when done en masse, result in the larger flow. In other words, he looks at the underlying mechanics that lead to the collective movement of animal groups.

And he is SOFA KING CUTE AS HELL! Cute as a puppy. <3

#ScienceIsWIN #Science #QuantitativeScience
- Ted Talk: PUPPIES!

Nicholas Perony - Quantitative Scientist at the Chair of Systems Design at ETH Zurich, where he studies the structure and dynamics of animal societies.

Perony conducts his research by placing GPS collars on animals like Bechstein's bats and meerkats, and studying the spacial data of the group. He creates models of the movement over time to see patterns. He then tries to ascertain at the simple rules that individuals in the animal group seem to be following that, when done en masse, result in the larger flow. In other words, he looks at the underlying mechanics that lead to the collective movement of animal groups.

And he is SOFA KING CUTE AS HELL! Cute as a puppy. <3

#ScienceIsWIN #Science #QuantitativeScience
- "LIFE..uhh..Finds-a-way"
- Love others as you love yourself. That's the simple rule that can heal our society. Our society is sick because of selfishness that produces shallow relationships that cannot endure. Instead of focusing in what connect us, we focus in our differences and make them bad! #loveissimple   #loveiscomplex   #loveisasimplesocialrule  #simplylove
- Cellular automata. Definitely something to check out of you want to see the process of emergent behaviour.
- Related to the bats, I wonder if the shift in 2008 &2009 where the two groups did not associate was due not to the cold winter but white nose syndrome, a fungal infection destroying bat colonies.